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Stephanie Weaver

Hi! My name is Stephanie Weaver. I am a children's ministry enthusiast who is passionate about teaching kids God's Word, God's character and God's love. I adore kids, and take every possible opportunity to build relationships with them and show them the love of the Father. My desire is to not just teach kids facts about God or the Bible, but to connect kid's hearts with the heart of God.

I have enjoyed serving and ministering to kids through many different capacities including Vacation Bible schools, preschool playgroups, short term missions trips, babysitting, teaching Sunday school, summer camps, day cares and after school care.

When a nearly fatal suicide attempt left me with several physical disabilities including the loss of my voice, writing children's books became a wonderful new avenue for me to continue to teach the kids I love so dearly, about the loving and faithful God who saved my life and gave me a second chance to live victoriously in Christ. I want my books to inspire hope and bring encouragement to kids struggling with their own hurt and brokenness.

Having grown up as a missionary's kid overseas in Guatemala and Papua New Guinea, I am passionate about missions and consider myself to be a missionary to the world's largest unreached people group: KIDS!

© 2021 by Stephanie Weaver
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